Logline: The treasure hunting game had gotten very sour (and black & blue) for Mick, but he’s back, helping an idealistic yet very feisty woman return a sacred object to the Mayans; the humans who want to stop them are very, very bad indeed, but nothing compared to Jaguar War Goddess and her minions.
Recent Screenplay Competition Placements:

ScreenCraft Feature Screenplay Competition Reader Feedback:
“The genre elements truly shine here, ensuring the project’s commercial appeal comes across on the page. The historical context and physical location of ancient Mayan ruins provide an exciting backdrop for the drama and action. You write visual spectacle so well: Mick and Kabah’s underwater struggle against the skeletons, for example, the Jaguar War Goddess’s dark ritual, and the thrilling showdown with the giant mythical serpent. Beats like these make for an entertaining and visually compelling read.”

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