A Selection form THE LOST TREASURE OF THE MAYANS to be read at the Beaufort International Film Festival (2025)

THE LOST TREASURE OF THE MAYANSjust a fun Indiana Jones-esque romp. The Beaufort Film Festival (in South Carolina) has it as one of the 5 Official Selections. The unusual thing about this festival is that they present 5 or so pages as a public reading with local actors. (Unfortunately I can’t be there, but it’s a very cool thing, happening at 5 pm EST tomorrow Feb. 20, 2025 – free admission – https://www.beaufortfilmfestival.com/schedule-of-events ).


“DON’T EAT PAPER!” a Finalist at VisionFest, NYC

My comedy script “Don’t Eat Paper!” is one of 10 Finalists at VisionFest in NYC.

Short Synopsis: Roy is obnoxiously in love with his therapist, Joanie, whose attempt to “fire” her client unintentionally leads to his death, but Roy’s ghost expects to maintain their “relationship”; however, a wild road-trip with Roy leads Joanie to discover her true mission in life.

After all, sometimes dying is the best therapy!