“LIMPING TOWARDS BABYLON” – 2024 Successes so far

I revised “Limping Towards Babylon.” Because, I never made a concerted effort to submit to Screenplay competitions when I first finished script, I have been sending it off – not to as many places as “Don’t Eat Paper!” but a somewhat parallel effort. (I was more concentrated on the difficult process of trying to raise money to produce and direct the film – a process that involved an enormous effort that on one level I was quite proud of (a “Limping Towards Babylon” website which I designed and populated, an excellent Look Book, accepted into Fiscal Sponsorship with the Gotham, etc.), but I was never able to raise the requisite funds. But I’ve never given up on getting it off the ground and thus why I thought maybe some screenplay competition successes would show investors it’s a worthwhile project:

– 2024 – Semi-Finalist, ScreenCraft Comedy Competition 2024

– 2024 – Semi-Finalist – 29th Annual Fade In Awards Drama Competition

– 2024 – Semi-Finalist – Dallas International Film Festival’s Screenwriting Competition

Above, a story board of the opening scene provided by Dallas International Film Festival – an excellent drawing though it’s missing one character who is in the scene

– 2024 – Semi-Finalist – Ojai Film Festival’s Screenplay Competition

– 2024 – Quarter Finalist – ScreenCraft Feature Competition 2024

– 2024 – Quarter Finalist – Final Draft – Big Break 2024

– 2024 – Official Selection – Berlin International Screenplay Festival

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